Hey Friends, We-e-e-l-l-l-l---, I've done it again ! ! ! I'm the worst blogger on planet earth. I'm amazed how time is flying. I'm amazed it's been over a month since I blogged or even visited here. Like all of you, I'm so busy being busy or maybe being busy fretting about every little thing ! !
I have been really busy painting too! The Gift of Art show and sale has come and gone. I've been delivering small pieces to galleries and hanging works in a rotating gallery for the League of Roanoke Artists.
Now we have to contend with over a foot of snow !! I live off the main path (compared to most people) in the mountains of SW Va. Our driveway is a winding, little gravel path that goes up a very steep little cliff. So you know I'll be a few days getting out of here.
And the photo above is a real yardstick, stuck in real snow, in the front yard ! ! !
Hope all of you are safe and warm.
Happy Trails.