Wednesday, November 5, 2008


WHOOP WHOOP THE OBAMA WON!!!!!!!!!! Now let's see some change-some progress-some hope. I've been commenting to various people that I thought everyone would relax and get back to business as usual, as soon as the election was over. I hope I'm right. My business has been really slowwwww. I've only had two sales in the last week. Both sales came from the LG Hosp. Gallery - not even from the web (Etsy) where there are supposedly thousands of viewers every day! So let's get this economy up and running again. We artist's are starving! LOL (I found out that means laugh out loud) So what's new-artists have always starved.
Anyway, the big shopping season is here! You may know that I'm not much of a blogger, I'd much rather be painting or swinging my baby or taking photos of beautiful yellow trees, but I'm seriously gonna make an effort to post on my blog at least 3/4 times a week. I'm not sure why, some artist like William Hawkins, don't blog every day! He is a real story teller too. You should subscribe to his blog if you enjoy far-fetched story telling. He has a lot of paintings in his ebay store so maybe thats why he feels no need to blog every day.

So now I'm going to get a snack and be back later with a new painting!
Have a great evening and a busy year-end!

1 comment:

Sunny Bower Art Studio said...

Yes! It's a new beginning. I have an optimistic outlook for the future.

I enjoy your nature paintings very much!

Etsy love,