Wednesday, September 8, 2010

GALLERY 108 on Roanoke City Market

Hey Friends, I worked at Gallery 108 this past Saturday and thought you might enjoy a few photos of the work showing there. Top photo is from Whitney Brock, our featured artist this month. She does more than just rocks. Her work includes landscapes and still life but this is a large impressive piece. I like her rocks a lot.
Here is the front view of a gorgeous bear by Gail Geer. I forgot to write down the type of stone. There are beautiful streaks of a pinkish-mauvish color in this stone.
The back view. Gail is the Best sculptor I have ever encountered and she sells like crazy!
The artist in this co-operative gallery take turns displaying in the windows. This window is Sheila Wiley's. She has a vibrant palette and makes a lot of Roanoke City scenes.
This window belongs to Linda Overstreet. She works with hand dyed fabric. Makes quilts, and wall hangings and bible/book covers and journals. I see a small purse in there also. Her stuff would make great gifts for almost anyone you can think of.

Gallery 108 is right beside the Roanoke City Market Bldg. which is being renovated starting yesterday. So streets next to the gallery will be closed and parking will be harder than ever! So friends try to get downtown and visit the gallery and help us stay alive until this mess is completed in May 2011(fingers are crossed). I know an amusement park would be more fun, but you need to buy gifts once in a while or re-decorate !

Maybe you would like to visit the Taubman Museum while there also.

Happy Trails !


J. Gail Geer said...

Hi Sue. I love the photos of my bear. The stone is African Kisii Stone, from the region in Kenya of that name. It is used by the Shona carvers. They are known for their family groups, among others.

Love the reflections in the window, too!


Toyin O. said...

Looks great!

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

What a fantastic galley, with work from some very gifted artists! I really enjoyed seeing this.

Amanda said...

WOW! I love the photos! I miss the gallery so much, i used to get alot of christmas presents when i was there! Hope you had a great thanksgiving and looking forward to visiting the gallery when i come to visit my mother in-law for the holidays...Cheers ;)