Sunday, March 20, 2011

the Raven and the Frogs

Hey Friends, A change in scedules at work gives me this oppurtunity to post here on my blog.

Coming home two nights ago there were lots of frogs on the road. They do this every year, I just don't remember it being so early-March! It had been an usually warm day so the road was still warm at 10 pm. I always drive real slow so I don't smash them but SOME people don't care. So the next morning I'm able to see the dead frogs and a couple of Ravens cleaning up the mess. I got a few photos.

So I scratched one of the beauties out on this 11x14. I just scanned the bird not the entire canvas. I'm thinking I want the background to be mostly yellow. Yellow is a happy color and you know these guys were really happy to find an easy, free breakfast. Yuck !

What would we do without the scavengers though. Have a beautiful Sunday.

Happy Trails.


Jaime Haney said...

In my area the frogs are singing their love calls to attract a mate. What a fabulous sound. It has been a long winter. I haven't seen them out on the road yet, but I haven't been out a lot lately due to a sick kid. It is hard to avoid running over them sometimes because there are just thousands and they make the most horrible "puchk" sound! Look forward to seeing your finished work but I love to see work in progress too.

hw (hallie) farber said...

Frog massacre leads to art! I can see the review now. I also try to avoid frogs on the road--and sidewalk. I haven't seen them yet, but I haven't been out after dark for a while. If it's not deer, it's frogs--and an occasional horse or cow or dog or snake. I'm glad you're saving critters in the western part of Virginia. I agree that scavengers are important.

I look forward to seeing the finished painting.

Diary of a Madd Weekly Painter said...

Hi Jamie and Hallie, Glad to hear from you. I love to hear the frogs calling to each other. That's a fav. memory from growing up in Louisiana. If we weren't playing w/the frogs, we were doing damage to their eggs! I've only smashed a couple of frogs and I do hate that sound. I hit a young deer once (I was in my big van)and caused it to roll over the hill. Made me feel so bad. It was dark and next morn I went looking for it but it was gone so I don't think I hurt it too badly. And Hallie the only review I will get is from YOU! And thats just fine.

Margaret Hall said...

Yellow IS a happy color...makes all other colors take "notice"..
Frogs...another fave of mine..We have some wee ones around in the greenery here in Oregon, that find their way to the patio doors...Thanks for stopping at the melee!