Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Blue Bird for the 30 in 30

Hey Friends,  A fat little bluebird seen at my sisters last summer.  He appears to be really stuffed or full of gas ?   Beautiful none the less.   I have not seen one at my feeders yet, but I'm very impatient.  I've read it can take years to finally have one visit your yard.

I'm posting this in my DPW shop and on Leslie Saeta's 30 day challenge.

Happy Trails
Travel Well


Giselle Vidal McMenamin said...

I really like this! So bright and colorful. Keep up the good work Sue:)

Diary of a Madd Weekly Painter said...

Thanks Giselle, I love painting my birds. Just a few minutes ago I saw 4 Blue Jays and 3 pairs of Cardinals !Plus another dozen of others. Oh yeah, 4woodpeckers.