Saturday, June 8, 2013


Hey Friends,  Last night I watched my sister's adopted son, Ivan, graduate from Northside High School.  The past 18 years have been a long painful, traumatic experience for both of them and everyone involved with this family.   Maybe they will move on now.  Sister on the left, Ivan, and Mom (granny).

On a different note, I have FINALLY been working on my website.  It has taken far too long and will be a bit longer finishing it.  It's extra difficult when a computer dunce (myself) has to work with a malfunctioning computer.  But even so I'm making some headway.  Today I've been trying to add a link to my website from this blog.  I wanted it to be a pretty little picture that you could click on BUT No, all I get is a tiny string of verbage, there at the top sidebar.   Click on it and tell me what you think.  But be nice.
Happy Trails
Travel Well


hw (hallie) farber said...

Website looks good. Omit the word "several" in the last paragraph.

hw (hallie) farber said...

P.S. If you use VA, PA, LA for states, you can eliminate all those periods and commas in the first sentence.

Diary of a Madd Weekly Painter said...

Thanks Hallie, It's good to have fresh eyes ! I'll go do some editing now.