Thursday, September 27, 2018


Hey Friends,  At some point in your life, I bet you have been traveling on an old country road, maybe with fences, pastures, cows and you have seen milkweed and dandelions growing prolifically !
Usually there are grasses and Queen Ann's Lace thrown in to.
I think these weeds are pretty.  I don't see enough of them which means I probably need to ride around in the country more often.

This is painted with acrylics on 14" x 11" WC Paper that was coated with gesso to start.
It is available on my website  HERE.

Hoping your weekend is going your way.


1 comment:

techcloud said...

Wow! Such amazing paintwork. It seems so vivid and alive. Very sharp and professional touching I must say. I'm mesmerized by your paint. Though I'm not good at art & paintwork as I'm working with different platforms such as Image post-production and so on. Anyways, very good sharing, please keep sharing. I'll definitely visit your blog again.image post-production