Thursday, December 3, 2015


Hey Friends,  Last night I went with some of the DLP gals to the Holiday Open House at Potentially Chic on Brambleton Ave. here in Roanoke, Va.  It was a very enjoyable event and evening.  I finally found the perfect birthday gift for my sister.!  Really happy about that.  And the jewelry maker, the Velvet Peony, had the perfect gift for a dear friend in Florida !
And the photo above shows one of my paintings in one of their beautiful shop vinyettes. (spell check couldn't even correct this word-so I don't feel too dumb)

AND they sold this painting of mine !!  How cool is that?
They also sold some of the mini rooster blocks.
Thank you Ladies very much.

And lastly I wanted to show you this detail shot I emailed to the couple that commissioned the painting I began showing you yesterday.

I asked what she thought of this and a few more shots.  She replied "the hen looked as if she is wearing a beret and glasses."  I was real puzzled until I got back to the photos I sent her.
The interpretations other people see always amaze me.  I CAN SEE IT now.  But until she said that I never would have seen it.  So now I have some more work to do.  But I'm really happy she told me and I can correct I hope.

More fun to show you tomorrow.

Hope all of you are having a great December so far.

Happy Trails
Travel Well

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