Sunday, August 31, 2014

Leslie S. 30 Day Challenge starts tomorrow

Hey Friends,  The painting above was painted at the Wharton Gardens in Bedford, Virginia.
I remembered for the most part to stop and take photos every few minutes.  One of these days, I will get a timer for my plein air bag.

The beginning of course.

First indicators.

Got the darkest down.

Yes, I left the banana plant out. (probably a canna)

Got most of the important stuff down already.

Almost done.  I backed up to get a different view and now you can see that is Mary Anne back there.

This angle makes a glare, but I'm quitting.

I enjoy showing you how some paintings come together so easily.  I love plein air and that makes it easier too.  I wouldn't have enough space on a blog to show you some of the pain I must go through to get some paintings done.
Also I want to let you know I'm participating again in Miss Saeta's 30 day challenge.  She thinks it makes it easier to pick a theme.  I had thought about tropical or lavender paintings.  Then I decided to drive myself crazy for 30 days and do stuff I don't normally do.  Like trying to simplify or abstract stuff a bit, just some techniques that are hard for me to do.  They don't come natural.
May be a big mistake BUT maybe I'll learn something.
Happy Trails

Friday, August 29, 2014

PleinAir Painting in Bedford, Va.

Hey Friends,  It's been too long since last post but this has been a crazy summer, year.  Much like the last few.  The painting above was done yesterday while visiting the Wharton Garden beside the #Bower Center in Bedford, Va.  My painting Group, the #Double Line Painters, was delivering the work done for the # "Barns of Bedford " project.
Here is the Ole Gal painting on the first one.  I think I need to lighten the bricks before I post here.  I took several photos as the piece progressed and will let you see them after I finish.

And here is the little #sky painting, started next.  I was a bit tired & lazy so I sat for this one.  Seemed to make it go faster or it could be I've painted tree lines so often, I've got the hang of it now.  This garden had some gorgeous trees.  A couple I've never seen before.  One really large tree w/large pale pods, Judy called a "Kentucky __something__Tree.
I will post the first painting tomorrow I hope.  And details about the exhibit "Barns of Bedford".
Happy Trails
Travel Well

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

DLP have workshops in the Works

Hey Friends, Listed this little painting the other day on EBAY.   I painted this while sitting at the playground under an umbrella last week.  Of course you know the colors are made up.  The Blue Ridge Mountains are in the background on the left.
And wanted to give you a sneak peek at a new workshop scheduled for June 2015 at the Evergreen Lavender Farm.  Go HERE to check on their other workshops coming up soon.
It's a short drive (between Lynchburg & Appomattox) and well worth it.
It's a beautiful farm and you will love Bonnie, the owner.
Happy Trails

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

River Rocks

Hey friends,  This is a small plein air painted last week while playing at the waters edge with my Gran Babes.  I always feel bad when kids have to go back to school and they start this coming Monday.  I realize it's my problem because I hated school.  Not all kids hate school.  I was much happier playing in the water all day, catching craw dads or just laying under the pines, watching the sunlight flicker in the breeze.  Day dreaming about when Roy Rogers and Dale would come to adopt me.  The point is only 2 days left for my Babes to be free to play all day and/or drive me nuts.  Kids can't entertain themselves like we used to.  The only time I get to paint is when I take them to play in the water.
Click Here to check out ebay.
The popcorn is calling.
Happy Trails

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Ending Soon on Ebay

Hey Friends,  Thought you might want to see what will be ending soon on Ebay.  The mini above is framed and ready to display or give as a gift.  Click Here for this auction.

And this one is a collage and acrylic mixed media.  A whimsical type of expression.  The nest is actually matte gel scratched with a tooth pick, over and over.  Takes a bit of patience.  But You have wonderful textures and hi-lights.  The birds along the left side is just paper doll cuts like you did in elementary school.  I used a couple stencils in the background.  Click Here for this auction.
Thanks for stopping in.
Happy Trails

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Original Art for Auction on Ebay

Hey Friends,  This contemporary bird (I do not know what to call this style except creative) is painted with acrylics on canvas panel.  I did this several years ago.  I made a rather lengthy series of various birds in this same creative motif?  CLICK HERE for ebay.

And here is a plein air piece painted last week.  July 28th the sky was changing rapidly, every few minutes it looked so different and beautiful.  So I climbed to the flat roof of my studio and made a fast small painting every 30 minutes.  I so enjoyed the marathon, I plan to do it again soon as the weather agrees.  CLICK HERE for ebay.
Happy Trails

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Just a Reminder about 1 PM and 1:30 PM

Hey Friends, Thankfully it has been raining here in Salem, Va. for a couple days.  A nice slow, steady rain.  We need it.  But a day with NO sun tends to make me lazy.  Uninspired.
So I'm just taking the lazy route and giving anyone that cares,  a reminder that the auctions end on these two plein air pieces soon.
For the one above, CLICK HERE.

For this one, CLICK HERE.
Hope your weekend is going just the way you wanted.
Happy Trails
Travel Well

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Short series from July 28th

Hey Friends,  Posting in the morning while my Babes are busy watching the Toons.  July 28th here in Salem, Va. was a beautiful day.  The sky changed so often I took my gear to the roof of my studio and painted a small one every half hour.  The one above is titled " 1:30 ".  I'm putting all of them for auction in Ebay.  Click HERE for this one.

Here I am on the roof. 

Here is the view looking north.  Odd how the sky changed so much.  Looking at the painting you would think it was going to burst out with lightning but the sky wasn't so dark.  But it was.
And it was pretty ominous several times.
Thanks for stopping by.
Happy Trails

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Some New Work on Ebay and Painted Papers Workshop at Sedalia Center

Hey Friends,  Listed these little jewels in Ebay the other day.  Please check them out by Clicking Here for Ebay

And go to our website for the Double Line Painters to find out more about the workshop coming up on August 23rd.
And go to the website for the Sedalia Center where the workshop is being held.
Happy Trails

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Another Series and Workshop

Hey Friends,  Last Thursday I started a little series of little paintings about the sky.  I went to the roof of my studio (it's a flat roof) this is where I usually paint "My Field" paintings.  This year we have had a lot of interesting skys because of various weather factors but more so because of Hurricane Arthur and the freaky vortex that came down from Canada last week.

Here I am with all my gear up on the roof.  That little painting is available in EBAY.

Yesterday Saturday August 2, we, the Double Line Painters held a small workshop at 2nd Helpings Gallery on Williamson Rd. (the old Sears Bldg.)  A Painted Papers workshop.  Click Here to read more about it and sign up for the workshop to be held at the Sedalia Center on Aug. 23rd.

As I said on the DLP blog, it is worth the drive to this beautiful area of our Virginia.  You will have a great time and go home with a stash of beautiful papers and inspiration to last all year.
Feel free to share and forward to all your creative friends, they will love you for it.
Happy Trails