Thursday, February 25, 2016

Three Expressions

Hey Friends,  I'm hoping some of you will take the time to let me know what you think.

I went out a few weeks ago past Dixie Caverns on Rt. 11 and painted this 8x10 above.  It's pretty boring but thought maybe I could make it zippier if larger.

Here is a 2nd version.   My intention was a more abstract, impressionistic version.
I think it sucks, big time.

Here is the 3rd.  This one I like !  It has been whittled down to the very last blade of grass.

I don't know if this version is impressionism or expressionism.

I would really enjoy doing more of this, but also hoping I can do it in one GO !.  I don't want to do 3 versions of every landscape so this will take a long time to learn and become 2nd nature.

I also know myself well enough, to say this might be the end of it.

HA!  Hoping not.

What I want to know is what you think of this new path.  Maybe you even have some pointers to make this easier on me.

Thanks for stopping by.

Happy Trails

1 comment: said...

this is a great exercise to explore and grow with. My favorite is the last one - stunning!