Monday, September 14, 2009

MASA RICE PAPER-What's underneath

Hey Friends, Just a little random tidbit of interest - maybe. I scanned the above canvas which has Masa Rice Paper on it so you could see what the paper looks like before Painting on it. I had to make 2 scans and photomerge them in Photoshop. Too big for my scanner in one pass. Since it's too big the canvas doesn't lay flat on the glass and you wind up w/ that shadow on the left. Now maybe you've heard how much I hate Vista on this new computer, therefore I will not do any more experimenting until it's gone. Meaning, I won't take a crack at fixing that shadow.
The Masa paper has a wonderful batik-e look that I really enjoy painting on. You should get a sheet and PLAY! Daniel Smith Art Supplies sells it by the roll or sheets.
Also wanted you to see this paper before painting on it because I just finished a couple small paintings that started w/ this paper and I totally ruined them. The paper was wasted!!
I'll post them next time.
Happy Trails.


Krista Hasson said...

Interesting paper, I have never tried it. I must try it sometime, thanks

Kathleen Krucoff said...

Cool, I'm glad you shared. I'm curious, does the paper also have a bit of a texture to it?

It's so pretty on its own. You have me wondering what your painting will look like on it! :)

Diary of a Madd Weekly Painter said...

Hey Krista & Kathleen, Masa does have texture. When I'm adhering it to canvas, I use a rolling pin (like for pie crusts) when I want it smooth. I have let it rumple & crinkle when gluing. Both are fun. I made a beautiful lampshade with a piece of waxed Masa. I'll try to get a photo of it.

Tato Skin said...


hw (hallie) farber said...

I looked at Masa paper in the Daniel Smith catalog--it just looked white. Yours has color? Perhaps I should check out the DS website. Love the painting.