Thursday, August 17, 2017


Howdy Friends,  I have had a good day at home in spite of the blazing heat !  I got a new GO Cart for plein air painting.  See it above with some panels I toned for my next trip out.

And LOOK !  Everything fits, tripod and all.  And there is a seat that is built in on the back and just folds down.  This is the best design I have seen so far.  I used to have to put a tiny seat and the tripod and the canvas holder across the top and at least one or two would fall off.  NO More!

And when I ordered the cart, I order Thalo Turq. and Mars Black oil paints.
I was told to mix Mars Black with yellow to get greens.

As you might be able to see from my charts, Mars Black is not the right black.  So then I tried Lamp Black, the last line.  That one was not much better.  So I will have to do some research.  I am wanting some more greens for the upcoming plein air event at South Peak in October.

Hope you have a fantastic weekend, inspite of all the ugliness in our world.

Happy Trails

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