Wednesday, February 28, 2018


Hey my Friends, I am starting a new challenge !!  YAY.  I have followed Elizabeth Chapman's blog for some time now. Envious.  Usually I just look at the post in my email but Sunday for some reason, I clicked on over to her blog to see what she had to say about the particular piece.
Sometimes I wonder why things happen the way they do, or what divine interventions are at play in our lives.  Anyway, there she was talking about this challenge, A Color A Month.

So I sent her a note asking to send me to the challenge master AND it was her!

She has graciously allowed me to enter her challenge and I would be willing to bet you could too.
There are NO rules but I say you need to give her credit and link to her blog, click up there.
So this is a year long Challenge ...  YIKES!!
What am I going to do with 50 paintings?  I can paint over some, thats gtd.

In the meantime I had to post  a painting for eye candy.  Thinking some one might enjoy a figure study done at the 202 Gallery's Monday night Figure Class.
I did it with squirt bottles on a piece of WC paper that was already stained with ochre and lavender.
Totally enjoyed working this way. Give it a try.  You have to water your acrylics down a good bit so it flows out easily.  I put matte medium in with my paint so the paint film would not be weak.

A new Abstration is up next !
Thank You Elizabeth.


1 comment:

Techcloud said...

Wow, a very creative one. You got a very artistic hand I must say. It seems like you have perfectly portrayed it. Though I’m not a professional artist but have very little knowledge about painting. Basically, I'm working on different image editing platforms like image post-production and so on. Anyways, thanks for sharing such a nice painting. Please keep sharing more.image post-production