Monday, September 30, 2013

No. 30 Last Day in Leslie Saeta's Challenge....Thank You Leslie

 Hey Friends,  Last Day !  This is No.30.This is the last dictionary page that I've finished to date.  "L" is for Lad (like in boy).   I thought of the old rhyme, Sticks and Stones may hurt................So up in the corner is a real stone, and a real stick.  Could not find a bone small enough so I made the paper cut outs along the left.  Just love feathers so it made it's way in too.  And there is a photo of the lad throwing a stone into the river.

So now I will put this in my Etsy store.  And now I must get busy and finish my dictionary series.  I'm going to miss the pressure of a painting a day but Hope and Pray I don't lose too much momentum.  I know I won't be doing one a day but I'm shooting for every other day.  I've got a couple requests for dictionary art subjects - leviathan (never even heard that word before, had to look it up in the dictionary, Ha) and mermaid.  Won't they be fun to do.

Happy Trails
Travel Well

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